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Personalized Learning Success in Henry County

Henry County is one of our early adopters of BlenderLearn's Individual Learner Profiles. In this video, Karen Perry, Henry County's Personalized Learning Coordinator details their experiences and successes when transitioning towards student-centered education.

Perry highlights the importance of student agency and personalized learning through goal setting and action steps, learning pathways, varied demonstrations of mastery, and students knowing and using their own data to grow. With BlenderLearn, students were able set goals, access their data, and build a portfolio of evidence and achievement beyond standardized assessment tests.

A survey conducted in Henry County found:

- 92% of teachers support personalized learning

- 77% of students felt personalized learning better reflected their needs

- 83% of parents believe personalized learning leads to college & career success

Perry concludes using quantifiable evidence showcasing value of personalized learning for students, teachers, and districts. She recommends increased district implementation and ways to restructure competency metrics to better reflect development.

Watch the video below for her full presentation.

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